HERE is my Europass CV

person: Marcin Misiak
jabber: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
skype: marcin_misiak
phone (work): +4841 345 13 13
e-mail: marcin (małpa at)

1. Interests

- Web development specially with PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (scripting language that is especially suited for Web development),
- Relational and object-oriented database systems
- Computer networks
- Linux operations system

2. Work history

NOMI S.A, Poland, Kielce 2000-2001
- Computer scientist in section “Informatics Wide”,

WSEiP Kielce ( School of Economic and Law )
- Computer Network Administration and Management,
- Database Administration,
- web application,
- Academic teacher.

3. My projects:
- Language portfolio on-line - moodle module, more…
- “i-student” – exchange of information (plans of studies, mark, tuition, announcements) between college and students into Internet – students portal,
- “PP” - exchange of information between college and teacher - move to module of moodle at moodle.wseip. - Teach portal inside of WSEiA internal – circulation information.
- Other www pages of colleges